In banking industry it requires 12 good memories to wipe out 1 bad memories-defend this statement with Logic

Posted by Ripon Abu Hasnat on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 | 0 comments

Memory is plastic and changeable. The idea that memories can be deleted—or perhaps “overwritten”— can be found in the psychological effect known as “verbal overshadowing.” If you show someone a picture of a face and then ask him to describe it in words, he will afterwards have a slightly harder time recognizing the face than if there was no attempt to first reconstruct the face verbally from memory. The idea that memories can be erased from working memory storage is also inherent in the idea of the intentional blink.

The suppression of memory associated with the blink works in both directions. If something really interesting appears on a screen then it pushes the image that preceded it out of working memory, as well as inhibiting attention to the image that follows for about half a second. That is why short-term memory produces rising and falling wave-like peaks.

Advertisers dream of the eternal sunshine of a spotless consumer mind into which they can implant brand memories. But the reality is that different brands are competing to colonize the same places in the mind with their memories. The result may be dueling memories

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